by Rob Kunz | Jul 24, 2013 | Landscape, Project 52/40, Rural |
Yesterday my neighbour told me that garter snakes were out sunning themselves on the berm that separates the railroad tracks from the residential area. We live fairly close, so my son and I took a walk to check them out. As we were walking, my son with his camera...
by Rob Kunz | Mar 25, 2013 | Abandoned, Buildings, Rural, Still Life |
It was the beginning of October and there were still a few blooming flowers at the Potter Rapids fishing camp.
by Rob Kunz | Mar 5, 2009 | Monochrome, Still Life |
So here it is my new website/photoblog. And I thought I would start off with my wife’s favorite photo on her birthday! Luv Ya!
by Rob Kunz | Jul 13, 2007 | Abandoned, Buildings, Still Life, Urban |