by Rob Kunz | May 12, 2014 | Abandoned, Buildings, Macro, Project 52/40, Rural, Still Life |
There’s so much character in old weathered wood.
by Rob Kunz | Apr 18, 2014 | Project 52/40, Still Life, Urban |
With the rather cold spring we’ve had lately, the parks around Saskatoon are pretty empty. I know I’m not alone in hoping the weather turns around soon…
by Rob Kunz | Apr 10, 2014 | Macro, Project 52/40, Still Life |
By the looks of it this old CPR lock has seen many years of hard use. I wonder how many?
by Rob Kunz | Mar 23, 2014 | Monochrome, Project 52/40, Still Life, Urban |
This was taken last week at a storage yard for some of the infrastructure needed for one of Saskatoon’s next developments. This is happening just out my back door and I have some mixed feelings about it. Through my photos, I hope to document the progress and...
by Rob Kunz | Mar 15, 2014 | Abandoned, Buildings, Project 52/40, Rural, Still Life, Winter |
Well another crazy week in the Kunz household so I had to pull this one from a while back. The kids activities are almost done now so things should slow down a little. This was another one of those times where it took me a while to figure out what caught my eye....